is designed to provide up-to-date resource information specific to the San Luis Valley. is for health and human services programs and we will accept listings from government, schools, non-profit community groups, transportation services, Medicaid/Health First Colorado dental and other health care providers, licensed behavioral health providers, utility financial assistance programs and job assistance training and services.
Please let us know if you find any incorrect or missing information. Help us keep up-to-date. This list does not include every resource. Por favor, háganos saber si encuentra alguna información incorrecta o desaparecida. Ayúdenos a mantener MySLVConnect com actualizado. Esta lista no incluye todos los recursos. Gracias! Thank you!
If you would like to speak with a human, please dial 211 on your telephone to reach Pike's Peak United Way. Trained information specialists staff the hotline from 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday.----------Si quire hablar con una persona, por favor marque 211 en el telefono para llegar a Pikes Peak United Way. Especialistas en información capacitados atienden la línea directa de 8am a 5pm de lunes a viernes.